Can you dig it? 

My daughter’s garden in the Chicago area is a marvel of color and texture. It appears that she has been influenced by some of my 25 years in the garden design and landscape contracting professions. Here are some recent photos. 

She follows the ideas found in my book: ‘Garden and Landscape Design-a Quick Start Guide.’ It has several concepts that you can use to make your home’s gardens delightful. Some important ideas are seen here. 

A key concept is to have as little lawn as you can tolerate. Cut the grass! Reduce the size of your lawn. Instead, create wide sweeping planted beds. Fill them with lots of “set and forget” varieties. Well known author and TV gardening expert, P. Allen Smith, calls these “workhorse plants.” 

When you have less lawn you will have less maintenance. That is very important. Your lawn is by far the most maintenance intensive part of your yard. There is no debate. When you consider the time required to mow, the amount of water needed to keep it green during dry periods, the fertilizers needed, and weeding and pest control chores you can see the benefits. 

 Conversely, wide planted beds filled with appropriate plant species require very little maintenance when compared to lawns. After three or four years they will live through even the driest periods with little or no supplemental watering. Fertilizing will be beneficial, but you need only a fraction compared to what your lawn requires. You never need to mow planted beds.

Look at the photos again. Note that my daughter has virtually no lawn growing adjacent to walls or her fence. She never has to trim. Never! This is another key concept. 

Lastly, please look at one of her “finishing touches:” the rooster statue that guards her back steps. The idea of finishing touches is included in concept number five (there are only five) in my book. You can tell others about your personality and style through your finishing touches. You might find items like this in unexpected places. The rooster came from a Ross store in San Diego near my home. 

Please contact me if you have any questions. 

My book is available at Amazon: 


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